The church is vital theater, and this means that the sacraments do more than simply point to the past. The sacraments are ritualized theo-dramatic performances: reenactments of a past event and rehearsals for a future event, yet reenactments and rehearsals that take place in the present.
By keeping the sacraments we are participating in the theo-dramatic imagination of the Lord himself, which is precisely the point of the drama of doctrine: to cultivate in us the mind of Christ.
The sacraments in particular assist us to belive the climactic scenes that, quite graphically, remind us of what God has done in Christ, and in so doing remind us who we are
Through baptism and the Lord's Supper, Christ presents himself to believing communicants via a real presentation of the climactic events of redemptive history. By performing the biblical words and the sacramental actions, we are really drawn into the ongoing theo-dramatic action by the Spirit.
[Vanhoozer, Kevin, J., 2005:
The Drama of Doctrine: A canonical-Linguistic Approach to Christian Theology. Luisville: Westminster John Knox Press. S. 411f]